Contact - Forms - ByLaws - Job Descriptions
They're all pdfs, so you can print them out directly from there, or save them to your computer.
Click on the document you'd like to print. When it opens, look in the lower right corner and you'll see a printer icon. Click on it. The pdf will open full screen. Click on File->Print in your menu bar, select your printer, make sure it's not scaled (should be at 100%) and click print!
You will need Adobe Acrobat or Reader to view the file. If you don't already have it, it's available as a free download by clicking on the image.
Membership is open to all persons interested in quilts or the art of quilting. Guests may attend two meetings before being asked to join.
Annual dues are $30 and are payable at/by the October meeting.
Dues for renewing members are also $30, regardless of the month of renewal.
New members joining April 1st or later of any given year will be given a $15 discount.
For the following downloadable forms, click HERE
Note: Some browsers will want you to actually download the forms, not just view them in the same window. It may take some experimenting to see how your computer or browser handles the pdfs
- Check Request Form
- Membership/Renewal forms
- By-Laws
- Duties of Executive Board and Committees
- Responsibilities of Standing Chairs
- Guild Policies
- RA Documents
They're all pdfs, so you can print them out directly from there, or save them to your computer.
Click on the document you'd like to print. When it opens, look in the lower right corner and you'll see a printer icon. Click on it. The pdf will open full screen. Click on File->Print in your menu bar, select your printer, make sure it's not scaled (should be at 100%) and click print!

Did you know the guild has its own Yahoo group? Well, we do, and it's only missing one thing: you!
Stay in the loop with all the guild doings, ask questions about speakers or workshops, or just chat with other guild members. To join, click on the link above, then click on "Join This Group" in the upper right corner. Fill out the form, then wait for Betty (the moderator) to send you a confirmation email.
Two things to note:
- You'll need to give your real name in the Comments box of the form so Betty can verify that you're actually a guild member
- Even though it offers you a yahoo email address to use, you don't have to use it - just use whatever your current email address is.
Questions? Ask Betty!